Mohammad Hasan Naei


Update: 2025-02-19

Mohammad Hasan Naei

College of Engineering / Mechanical Engineering

Journal Paper

  1. "Nonlocal postbuckling analysis of grapheme sheets with initial imperfection based on first order shear deformation theory"
    Ahmad Soleimani, Mohammad Hasan Naei, Mahmoud Mousavi Mashhadi
    RESULTS IN PHYSICS, Vol. 7, No 2017, pp.1299-1307, 2017
  2. "Finite element and micromechanical modeling for investigating effective material properties of polymer–matrix nanocomposites with microfiber, reinforced by CNT arrays"
    Vahid Tahouneh, Mahmoud Mousavi Mashhadi, Mohammad Hasan Naei
    International Journal of Advanced Structural Engineering, Vol. 12, No 5, pp.10-1, 2016
  3. "Buckling analysis of graphene sheets using nonlocal isogeometric finite element method for NEMS applications"
    Ahmad Soleimani, Mohammad Hasan Naei, Mahmoud Mousavi Mashhadi
  4. "Semi-Analytical Solution for Free Vibration Analysis of Thick Laminated Curved Panels with Power-Law Distribution FG Layers and Finite Length Via Two-Dimensional GDQ Method"
    Vahid Tahouneh, Mohammad Hasan Naei
    Journal of solid mechanics, Vol. 8, No 2, pp.347-334, 2016
  5. "The effect of multi-directional nanocomposite materials on the vibrational response of thick shell panels with finite length and rested on two-parameter elastic foundations"
    Vahid Tahouneh, Mohammad Hasan Naei
    International Journal of Advanced Structural Engineering, Vol. 8, No 1, pp.11-28, 2016
  6. "Using eshelby-mori-tanaka scheme for 3D free vibration analysis of sandwich curved panels with functionally graded nanocomposite face sheets and finite length"
    Vahid Tahouneh, Mohammad Hasan Naei
    POLYMER COMPOSITES, Vol. 10, No 1002, 2016
  7. "Coupling pseudo-spectral method and integral quadrature rule for nonlinear vibration analysis of graphene sheets carrying concentrated nano objects"
    S.kamal Jalali, Mohammad Hasan Naei
    Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol. 29, No 9, pp.3591-3596, 2015
  8. "Free vibration and vibrational displacements analysis of thick elastically supported laminated curved panels with power-law distribution functionally graded layers and finite length via 2D GDQ method"
    Vahid Tahouneh, Mohammad Hasan Naei
    JOURNAL OF SANDWICH STRUCTURES & MATERIALS, Vol. 2015, No 10, pp.1-31, 2015
  9. "3D free vibration analysis of elastically supported thick nanocomposite curved panels with finite length and different boundary conditions via 2-D GDQ method"
    Vahid Tahouneh, Mohammad Hasan Naei
  10. "Effects of carbon nanotubes' dispersion on effective mechanical properties of nanocomposites: A finite element study"
    Aidin Poorsolhjouy, Mohammad Hasan Naei
    JOURNAL OF REINFORCED PLASTICS AND COMPOSITES, Vol. 34, No 16, pp.1315-1328, 2015
  11. "Large Amplitude Vibration of Graphene Sheets as Resonant Mass Sensors Using Mixed Pseudo-Spectral and Integral Quadrature Methods"
    S.kamal Jalali, Mohammad Hasan Naei
    University, Vol. 45, No 1, pp.61-75, 2014
  12. "A Mixed Approach for Studying Size Effects and Connecting Interactions of Planar Nano Structures as Resonant Mass Sensors"
    سید کمال جلالی, Mohammad Hasan Naei, جیمینگ پنگ
  13. "Graphene-Based Resonant Sensors for Detection of Ultra-Fine Nanoparticles: Molecular Dynamics and Nonlocal Elasticity Investigations"
    سید کمال جلالی, Mohammad Hasan Naei
    NANO, Vol. 10, No 2, 2014
  14. "Coupled Thermoelasticity Analysis of Annular Laminate Disk Using Laplace Transform and Galerkin Finite Element Method"
    Seyed Mohsen Nowruzpour, Amin Nazari Shirkouhi, Mohammad Hasan Naei
    Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 656, No 2014, pp.304-298, 2014
  15. "Homotopy Perturbation Solution and Periodicity Analysis of Nonlinear Vibration of Thin Rectangular Functionally Graded Plates"
    Akbar Allahverdizadeh, Ramin Oftadeh, Mohammad Mahjoob, Mohammad Hasan Naei
    ACTA MECHANICA SOLIDA SINICA, Vol. 27, No 2, pp.210-220, 2014
  16. "Two Dimensional Analysis of Functionally Graded Partial Annular Disk under Radial Thermal Shock Using Hybrid Fourier-Laplace Transform"
    Seyed Mohammad Nowruzpour, Mohammad Hasan Naei
    Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 2013, No 436, pp.92-99, 2013
  17. "Dynamic Response for a Functionally Graded Rectangular Plate Subjected to Thermal Shock Based onLS Theory"
    Seyed Mohammad Nowruzpour, Mohammad Hasan Naei, شهلا زمانی
    Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 2013, No 332, pp.381-395, 2013
  18. "A novel 2-D six-parameter power-law distribution for three-dimensional dynamic analysis of thick multi-directional functionally graded rectangular plates resting on a two-parameter elastic foundation"
    Vahid Tahouneh, Mohammad Hasan Naei
    MECCANICA, Vol. 2013, No 48, pp.1-19, 2013
  19. "Limit load analysis of shallow arches made of functionally bi - directional graded materials under mechanical loading"
    Ali Asghar Atai, Mohammad Hasan Naei, Shabnam Rahrovan
    Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol. 26, No 6, pp.1811-1816, 2012
  20. "Exact three - dimensional interface stress and electrode - effect analysis of multilayer piezoelectric transducers under torsion"
    Ehsan Hosseinianc , Mohammad Hasan Naei, Mohammad Maleki
    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOLIDS AND STRUCTURES, Vol. 49, No 17, pp.2230-2238, 2012
  21. "Effects of Geometric Nonlinearity on Stress Analysis in Large Amplitude Vibration of Thin Circular Functionally Graded Plates with Rigid Core"
    M.h Pashaei, Mohammad Hasan Naei, Farshad Fotros, A.r Alashti
    International Journal of Engineering, Transactions A: Basics, Vol. 24, No 3, pp.281-290, 2011
  22. "Acoustic scattering from functionally graded cylindrical shells"
    Jalil Jamali , Mohammad Hasan Naei, Farhang Honarvar , Majid Rajabi
    ARCHIVES OF MECHANICS, Vol. 63, No 1, pp.25-56, 2011
  23. "Acoustic Scattering and Radiation Force Function Ex-Perienced by Functionaly Graded Cylindrical Shells"
    Mohammad Hasan Naei, Jalil Jamali , Farhang Honarvar, Majid Rajabi
    International Journal of Mechanics, Vol. 27, No 2, pp.227-243, 2011
  24. "Exact three - dimensional analysis for static torsion of piezoelectric rods"
    Arash Babahaji , Ehsan Hosseinian , Mohammad Hasan Naei, Mohammad Maleki
  25. "Buckling of Cricular Sandwich Plates of Variable Core Thickness and FGM Face Sheets"
    Sed Kamaljalali , Mohammad Hasan Naei, Aydin Poorsolhjouy
    International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, Vol. 11, No 2, pp.273-295, 2011
  26. "Thermal stability analysis of circular functionally graded sandwich plates of variable thickness using pseudo - spectral method"
    Seyyed Kamal Jalali , Mohammad Hasan Naei, A Poorsolhjouy
    MATERIALS & DESIGN, Vol. 31, No 10, pp.4755-4763, 2010
  27. "A Mixed Analytical - Numerical Investigation of Snap - Through of Low Arces With a Powr - Law Variable Thickness"
    Ali Asghar Atai, Mohammad Hasan Naei, Reza Eghtefari
    Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol. 24, No 11, pp.2247-2252, 2010
    Seyyd Jalali Jalali , Mohammad Hasan Naei
    JOURNAL OFSOLID MECHANICS, Vol. 2, No 1, pp.19-17, 2010
  29. "A vibration and buckling investigation of two - layered functionally graded cylindrical structures"
    Hossein Ali Sepiani , Abbas Rastgo Ghamsari, Hossein Karimipour , Mohammad Hasan Naei
    Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Vol. 224, No 9, pp.1905-1913, 2010
  30. "Geometrically nonlinear vibration analysis of piezoelectrically actuated FGM plates with an initial large deformation"
    Farzad Ebrahimi , Mohammad Hasan Naei, Abbas Rastgo Ghamsari
    Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol. 23, No 8, pp.2107-2124, 2009
  31. "Vibration amplitude and thermal effects on the nonlinear behavior of thin circular functionally graded plates"
    Akbar Allahverdizadeh , Mohammad Hasan Naei, Mansour Nikkhaheh Bahrami
  32. "New Analysis for the FGM thick cylinders under combined pressure and temperature loading"
    Karen Abrinia, Mohammad Hasan Naei, Faramarz Sadeghi , Faramarz Javanroodi
    AMERICAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED SCIENCES, Vol. 5, No 7, pp.852-859, 2008
  33. "nonlinear analysis of a thin circular functionally graded plate and large deflection effects on the forces and moments"
    Akbar Allahverdizadeh , Mohammad Hasan Naei, Abbas Rastgo
  34. "Buckling analysis of circular functionally graded material plate having variable thickness under uniform compression by finite - element method"
    Mohammad Hasan Naei, Abolfazl Masoumi, A Shamekhi
    Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Vol. 2007, No 221, pp.1241-1247, 2007
  35. "Nonlinear free and forced vibration analysis of thin cricular functionally graded plates"
    Akbar Allahverdizadeh, Mohammad Hasan Naei, Mansour Nikkhaheh Bahrami
    JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION, Vol. 2008, No 310, pp.966-984, 2007
  36. "Using Mesh Free Method for Numerical Simulation of Non-Newtonian Fluid Flow Over a Step"
    اباذر شامخی, Kayvan Sadeghy, Mohammad Hasan Naei, Mansour Nikkhaheh Bahrami
    JOURNAL OF RHEOLOGY, Vol. 36, No 1, pp.19-27, 2007
  37. "The Effect of Large Vibration Amplitudes on the Stresses of Thin Circular Fuctionally Graded Plates"
    اکبر الهوردی زاده , Mohammad Hasan Naei, عباس راستگو
    International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design, Vol. 3, No 10, pp.161-174, 2006
  38. "In - plane and out - of - plane buckling of arches made of FGM"
    M R Eslami , Mohammad Hasan Naei, H Shafiee
  39. "The Effects of Large Vibration Amplitudes on the Stresses of Thin Circular Functionally Graded PLATES"
    Akbar Allahverdizadeh , Mohammad Hasan Naei, Abbas Rastgo Ghamsari
    International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design, Vol. 3, No 2, 2006
  40. "Buckling Analysis of Circular FGM Plates Having Variable Thickness Under Uniform Compression By Mesh Free Method"
    Mohammad Hasan Naei, اباذر شامخی
    International Journal of Computational Methods, Vol. 4, pp.559-565, 2005
  41. "FGM"
    Mohammad Hasan Naei, فرزاد ابراهیمی
    University, Vol. 41, No 1, 2008
  42. ""
    مجید بنی اسدی , Karen Abrinia, Mohammad Hasan Naei
    Aerospace Mechanics Journal, Vol. 3, No 1, pp.1-16, 2007
  43. "طراحی قالب آهنگری پیشفرم با روش تغییر شکل معکوس اجزاء محدود"
    Karen Abrinia, Mohammad Hasan Naei, یاسر تقی پور لاهیجانی
    University, Vol. 40, No 6, pp.763-769, 2006
  44. "تحلیل کمانش صفحات دایره ای ارتوتروپ ضخامت متغیر با تکیه گاه مقاوم الاستیک در برابر پیچش"
    اصغر همتی , Mohammad Hasan Naei
    University, Vol. 39, No 1, pp.95-102, 2005
  45. "ارتعاشات غیر خطی صفحات حلقوی با ضخامت متغیر پله ای با خواص ارتوتراپیک"
    قادر قربانی اصل , Mohammad Hasan Naei
    University, Vol. 34, No 2, pp.119-126, 2000
  46. "ارتعاشات با دامنه زیاد صفحات ارتوتروپیک با پایه الاستیک حلقه ای شکل"
    Mohammad Hasan Naei, محسن شاکری
    University, Vol. 34, No 1, pp.133-142, 2000

Conference Paper

  1. "Natural frequency analysis of thick elastically supported Sandwich curved panels with power-law distribution FG Sheets and finite length via GDQ method"
    Vahid Tahouneh, Mohammad Hasan Naei
    2nd International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, 2015
  2. "An elasticity solution for dynamic analysis of thick nanocomposite plates with nonlinear symmetric and asymmetric distribution of CNTs volume fractions in two directions"
    Vahid Tahouneh, Mohammad Hasan Naei
    2nd International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, 2015
  3. "Analysis of Adhesion Intluence on Local Stress and Overall Properties of Heterogeneous Brain Tissue"
    Masomeh Shafiee, محمد سهیلی پور, Mohammad Hasan Naei, Mohadeseh Peyro, N Abolfathi
    International Society of Biomechanics, 2011
  4. "Nonlinear free and forced vibration analysis of thin circular functionally graded plates with rigid core"
    فرشاد فترس, محمد هادی پاشایی, Mohammad Hasan Naei
    international conference on multi body dynamics, 2011
  5. "Thermal Stability nalysis of Functionally Graded Sandwich Circular Plates of Variable Thickness"
    کمال جلالی, Mohammad Hasan Naei, آیدین پورصلح جوی
    Proceeding of the World on Engineering, 2010
  6. "The effect of electric potential distribution on torsion of piezoelectric rods"
    یخاشیشی ملکی, Mohammad Hasan Naei, احسان حسینیان, عباس باباحاجی
    18th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, 2010
  7. "Meshless Loval Petrov-Galerkin Method for Geometrically Nonlinear Deflection Analysis of Circular Plates"
    سعید رییسی, Mohammad Hasan Naei
    18th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, 2010
  8. "Large Amplitude Vibration Analysis of Circular and Annular Plates by meshless Local Petrov-Galerkin MLPGMethod"
    سعید رییسی, Mohammad Hasan Naei
    18th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, 2010
  9. "Analysis of an Annular Functionally Graded Plate by a Meshless Method"
    سعید رییسی, Mohammad Hasan Naei
    Second National Conference of Mechanical Engineering, 2009
  10. "Large deflection behavior of simply supported FIG circular plates under mechanical and thermal loadings via FSDT meshless method"
    محمد بغمایی, Mohammad Hasan Naei
    3rd IASME/WSEAS International Conference on Continuum Mechanics Univ Cambridge, 2008
  11. "Nonlinear bending of functionally graded thick circular plates by using element free Galerkin method"
    محمد بغمایی, Mohammad Hasan Naei
    3rd IASME/WSEAS International Conference on Continuum Mechanics Univ Cambridge, 2008
  12. "Nonlinear analysis of clamped FGM circular plates under mechanical and thermal loadings by using FSDT and element free Glerkin method"
    محمد یغمایی, Mohammad Hasan Naei
    3rd IASME/WSEAS International Conference on Continuum Mechanics Univ Cambridge, 2008
  13. "Large deflection behavior of clamped functionally graded circular plates by using element free Galerkin method"
    محمد یغمایی, Mohammad Hasan Naei
    3rd IASME/WSEAS International Conference on Continuum Mechanics Univ Cambridge, 2008
  14. "An Analytical Solution for the FGM Thick Cylinders under Pressure and Temperature Loading"
    Karen Abrinia, فرزاد صادقی, Mohammad Hasan Naei, حسین عباس زاده
    TICME2007, 2007
  15. "A new method for finding initial extension of plastic region for elastoplastic torsion of variable yield sections without strain hardening"
    Mohammad Hasan Naei, مجید بنی اسدی, Karen Abrinia, اکبر قضاوی زاده
    ICMEM2007, 2007
  16. "An Investigation to Double Hit Deformation Behavior of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy"
    معصومه شمسی, Abbas Zarei Hanzki, Mohammad Hasan Naei
    10th ESAFORM Conference Material Forming, 2007
  17. "CR-NI"
    Abbas Zarei Hanzki, امیرحسینی اصلی , Mohammad Hasan Naei, Mohammadhosein Shah Hoseini
    CIVILICA, 2008
  18. "Effect of temperature on dynamic recrystallization of Sanicro 28"
    Abbas Zarei Hanzki, امیرحسینی اصل , Mohammad Hasan Naei, Mohammadhosein Shah Hoseini
    ISS Iran 86, 2008
  19. "UFF"
    Abbas Zarei Hanzki, مهدی صبوحی, Mohammad Hasan Naei, پیمان صحراپور
    30MSV6, 2008